Wednesday, March 21, 2007

a seriously good time

To motivate Googlers, the company takes a less than traditional route – which I found out at the sales conference that I attended over the weekend.

We began the day with a gorgeous breakfast, and were then able to hear some of the most influential Google execs speak. After squeezing in a phone shift and having a delicious lunch, I heard about our future plans, products and services.

And then, later that evening, came the karaoke.

We hyped each other up, had a drink, squeezed into our spandex and had one final practice. Decked out in 80s gear, we waited for our grand entrance between a Google rendition of 'I got you babe ('I got YouTube')' and 'YMCA (APLA – done by the Asia Pacific and Latin America team).' It was, in fact, a show to remember. We had four singers and four dancers, each of us in total 80s character as we belted and danced to 'Tainted Love' to the best of our ability.

I mean, I don't want to brag or anything...but the Ann Arbor crew can really break it down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG Steph, OOC, I love this and your writing! Makes me feel like I'm right there with you all not miles and miles away! I'll be watching your blogs - it's a new world for an old gal - Wonderful!
Hugs! Randi