Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Potato Bug Confusion

As the weather is (gradually) getting nicer (knock on wood), I've made the decision to try to get in shape. Our fabulous HR specialist has put together something that we're calling the 'Fitness Challenge,' which is striving to motivate our office to start exercising and eating healthy. The office is wearing pedometers to help measure which of our teams is getting up and out the most.

I have to admit, I've really been slacking. So, because the gym is not really my thing, and because my team is probably starting to get a little bit irritated, I've decided to try and play more tennis. The eating healthy thing? I'm still working on it.

So far, I'm not so bad when the rules are as follows:

*2 bounces are acceptable
*Anything that would be 'in' when playing doubles counts
*Real serves are unnecessary

I bet my parents, both of whom are amazing at tennis, would be really proud of me.

On a completely different note, I just found out that the type of bug that I have called a 'potato bug' my entire life is actually something completely different than an actual potato bug. A 'rollie pollie' is not a potato bug, but rather a sow bug or 'pill bug,' and the real potato bug looks more like a giant, disgusting fire ant. There are three things that I am terrified of – bugs, ET (the extra-terrestrial) and seaweed. I can deal with fake potato bugs, but the real thing looks like a monster.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wii Love the Wii

I just called a car place to make an appointment to get a tune up. I felt like it was a simple enough task – until the guy asked me why I thought my car need a tune up…I wonder what gave him the idea that I wouldn’t know. Imagine how smart I felt when my answer came out, ‘uh…it sounds funny?’

I’m going to need to bring one of my guy friends with me to that appointment.

Another thing that I’m not too good with? Video games. Halo? Madden? Forget about it. My nine year old brother puts me to shame in video game competitions. Except Mario Kart – I race a mean Peach.

In the Google office, Wii have a great time with video games.

Ha-ha, get it? Wii have a great time? Yeah, I’m original.

It’s true, we have a new toy to play with should we need a break from our work – a Nintendo Wii. It’s really entertaining, both to play and to watch. Bowling seems to be the office favorite…we keep track of scores on a nearby whiteboard. I was extremely proud of myself when I broke 200, given the fact that I legitimately bowled a 22 once in high school.

I’ve made myself sound like a real winner in this post. So I don’t bowl. Or know anything about cars. But I AM amazing at Mario Kart. Try me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Google = Life

Can I just say…I love these new themes for my personalized Google homepage. I have the ‘Tea House’ theme, featuring the cutest little dog/fox thing as he goes about his day with his friends. The ‘Tea House’ theme changes in accordance with your time zone. Love it. And the little fox thing is almost as cute as Fifi.

Sure, sure, I may be a little biased, but I love all of Google’s ‘extras.’ Along with homepage themes, a limited test of ‘GOOG-411 ’ was just announced. Lost? Need a phone number or address? You can now call 1-800-GOOG-411 for free local business information from Google Maps. Or, if you’re like me and text more than you call, you can use Google SMS.

Call it laziness, but I’m telling you – it was a great decision for me to get unlimited texts per month instead of paying per message. With Google SMS, you can text search queries to 466453, and you’ll receive a text back from Google with the best information we could find – from airline times to foreign language translations. Interested? Click here for more information and sample queries.

My cubemate brought her dog in yesterday – adorable. The longer that I work at Google, the more my life feels almost surreal. I worked hard to get where I am, but I feel like I was given an opportunity that can’t be matched. Dogs hanging around the office, free food, massage chairs, and the best office atmosphere of all time…

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Just when you thought that the worst was over…

I’ve lived in the lovely state of Michigan for almost five years now. So am I surprised when half of the week is 70 degrees and beautiful, and the other half is 20 degrees and snowing? Not so much.

I always find it humorous when Midwesterners hear that I am from Seattle, and make fun of the Northwest's weather. ‘Doesn’t it rain, like, everyday there?’ Yeah, yeah, we get a lot of rain (even though this Friday, the Seattle area is supposed to be 78 degrees!!). But at least we know what to expect.

I couldn’t even offer a similar statement to a native Michigander. ‘Hey, don’t you guys get snow/sleet/rain/sun/fog/ice storms a lot? Like, in June?’

I was so NOT used to this kind of weather for the first two years that I lived here. I wore flip flops in February and I don't think I owned a real winter coat until junior year in college. I almost wore flip flops today, actually, but it was 25 degrees this morning. I've learned. I'm wearing my Uggs.

Even if you're not a cold weather person at heart, after you finally get the hint and buy a jacket, scarves, gloves, a face mask, snow boots, a hat with the little ball on top, an ice scraper, fleece blankets, and so on, you begin to realize that the Michigan weather isn't so bad. Now, I've just got to convince the Californians in the office of that. Don't worry, friends! April (snow) showers bring May (still icy and dead) flowers!

And, Google has just come out with themes that you can add to your Google homepage - that actually change based on the time of day and the weather in your zip code. Follow the weather, sun, rain, or whatever - anywhere you are.
The point of my post this week's bitter post is to address the fact that #1) it’s snowing outside, and it’s April and #2) I am writing this post watching the snow from a massage chair in the Google office.

I may not love the weather, but I sure do love my job.