Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Potato Bug Confusion

As the weather is (gradually) getting nicer (knock on wood), I've made the decision to try to get in shape. Our fabulous HR specialist has put together something that we're calling the 'Fitness Challenge,' which is striving to motivate our office to start exercising and eating healthy. The office is wearing pedometers to help measure which of our teams is getting up and out the most.

I have to admit, I've really been slacking. So, because the gym is not really my thing, and because my team is probably starting to get a little bit irritated, I've decided to try and play more tennis. The eating healthy thing? I'm still working on it.

So far, I'm not so bad when the rules are as follows:

*2 bounces are acceptable
*Anything that would be 'in' when playing doubles counts
*Real serves are unnecessary

I bet my parents, both of whom are amazing at tennis, would be really proud of me.

On a completely different note, I just found out that the type of bug that I have called a 'potato bug' my entire life is actually something completely different than an actual potato bug. A 'rollie pollie' is not a potato bug, but rather a sow bug or 'pill bug,' and the real potato bug looks more like a giant, disgusting fire ant. There are three things that I am terrified of – bugs, ET (the extra-terrestrial) and seaweed. I can deal with fake potato bugs, but the real thing looks like a monster.

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